This team provides help for caregivers of family members or loved ones. And we'd love you to join the team in any capacity: planning team, meeting with a struggling carer for coffee, providing a meal, delivering a meal, or even a listening ear when it's needed.
If you'd like to be a part of planning and organising special workshops and events for caregivers, we'd love your help. There's no roster or regular commitment. We plan to meet roughly once a team for planning and whenever there's a need. Mostly, we'll share info via email or text.
Providing ongoing care can be lonely and isolating work. And sometimes, the best way to help others is just to be available to meet with them for coffee and listen.
Or maybe, you can prepare a meal or deliver a meal to someone who is struggling. If you can help in a practical way, we'd love you to be a part of the team.