![From Patmos to Present: A Vision of VII Churches](https://dq5pwpg1q8ru0.cloudfront.net/2023/08/10/22/13/25/fe02caa4-c368-4822-88f9-1701ecc577e4/From-Patmos-to-Present-Part-1.jpg)
While exiled on the Island of Patmos, John was given an enigmatic vision of things to come. He received instruction to write a letter to seven churches in Asia. The letter contains both words of encouragement and solemn warnings tailored to the unique circumstances of each church: Ephesus, Laodicea, Thyatira, Philadelphia, Pergamum, Smyrna, and Sardis. Much of the study of this letter is done in speculation of, “What is going to happen then?” In this series, we take a different approach. We look to these VII churches in an attempt to answer a pressing question, “What can and should we do now?”